Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Away, away, away

What an amazing country Australia is.  A weekend camping trip can take you so far from your own consciousness into the unexpected that you begin to wonder at everything you know.

I took these photos of the incredible sand dunes at Dark Point, a jewel found almost by chance on the NSW mid north coast in an endeavour to take a beach swim.  We were overawed by the size and beauty of the dunes with their bleached white sand and rolling, rolling enormity.  If the walk to the coast was long and strenuous (say nothing of the return trek in 40 degree heat!), the prize was breathtaking.

The Task Ahead


The Reward - and all to ourselves!

We camped at the beautiful Boomeri campground, looked after by National Parks and graced by stunning specimens of Angophora gums and Xanthorrhoea grass trees (Boomeri is the Aboriginal word for these amazing trees).

Nature is indeed raw and real.

Speaking of raw and real, I couldn't resist this beautiful moment in food - the "before" picture of what eventuated as some pretty gourmet burgers - in the bush!

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